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Developers power the world. But they’re rarely seen as the chief decision makers, and the stars, that they are.


Tasked with the challenge to tap into the dev communty and reintroduce MongoDB as one of the major pillars of the future of Tech, we developed a digital activation that was both entertaining as well as educational. This interactive, code-your-own-adventure thriller film, showcases a rising game developer using MongoDB Atlas (our key launch product) to solve a series of high stakes problems on the eve of her big launch. The best part? Our dev will smash through speedhacks based on your binary choices.


Creative Direction, Design Direction


Official Selection: Tribeca Film Festival - Tribeca X, Interactive



Little Black Book

Muse by Clio

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“It scores as a long-form product demo with a retro/William Gibson vibe.” - Muse by Clio

“With twists and turns at each decision, the audience is in suspense until the final surprise ending.” - Little Black Book



Malena, an indie game developer, strikes gold with an upstart video game heralded as the next Fortnite.

She and her co-founder, Ji, are 24 hours away from launching their sophomore title when Ji suddenly disappears. 


That’s when the ransom message shows up—an anonymous Angel investor wants an equity stake in their forthcoming product…or Ji doesn’t make it home, alive. Malena could give in, she considers it—but a second message appears via her co-founder’s game handle. Somehow, Ji’s managed to embed clues to her whereabouts in the code of the game. Our developer uses MongoDB Atlas to find and reveal new breadcrumbs as she makes her way across town to the house where Ji is being held captive—rescuing her cofounder and reaping the rewards of years spent building their game.

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Our work extended far beyond the site, integrating the creative direction into the social and paid ad spaces. We also worked closely with MongoDB's internal marketing team to arm them with an arsenal of assets that helped them activate leads and capture wanted clients. 


Copyright protection notice & permissions: All works of art on this website in all media © Carla Johnson. No likeness or near likeness of these works of art in any form may be reproduced or created, in whole or in part, in any medium, without the artist's prior written permission. This copyright is strictly enforced. Contact the artist to request prior written authorization for image usage. © 2025. All rights reversed.

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